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Concussion tests assess brain function after a head injury. Most concussion tests consist of questionnaires or symptom checklists. Concussion tests check for things like alertness, memory, focus, how fast one thinks and the ability to solve problems. These tests also check balance and coordination. Concussion tests are one of the tools used to diagnose a concussion.

The most common symptoms of concussion include:

Anyone who experiences a hit on their head or a whiplash type head movement should be checked for a concussion. Concussion testing checks cognition, which is the brain’s ability to think and process information — after a head injury.

Brain functions that are evaluated in concussion tests include:

A concussion is an emergency if the person has any of the following symptoms after a head injury: 
  • Loss of consciousness for more than 30 seconds
  • One pupil larger than the other
  • A headache that worsens and doesn't go away
  • Slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination
  • Repeated vomiting or nausea
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Unusual behavior, increased confusion, restlessness, or agitation
  • Fluid or blood draining from the nose or ears
  • Vision or eye changes
  • Ringing in the ears that doesn't go away

CALL 911 or Go to the NEAREST ER.

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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