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Traditional therapies with topical lubricants, have been employed with variable success in the treatment of DED ( Dry Eye Disease/Dysfunction). 

Neurostimulation takes into account the neuroanatomical and pathophysiological considerations of DED and the LFU( Lacrimal Functional Unit). Neurostimulation of the nasolacrimal reflex (NLR) is a novel therapeutic approach for DED. The direct endpoint of the NLR neural reflex arc is the stimulation of tear production by the lacrimal and meibomian glands. Hence, NLR stimulation enables one to break the vicious cycle of inflammation and tear film deficiency.

Olympic Ophthalmics, Inc. has created a unique device, iTear100, which has shown great promise in the amelioration and managment of DED.

Please visit for more information on iTear 100.

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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